Once you get a little way through the game the gameplay starts to drag. Since most of the game's single player arenas are set up with various spikes and fires for you to take advantage of, kicking enemies to their death will serve as a common method of execution as long as your stamina bar lasts. While it's impressive to see enemies flipping off cliffs, floating in water, staggering realistically after a kick, and watching environments crumble and topple in a believable fashion, it renders some of the melee and ranged combat irrelevant. Running around with an ignited item will instantly kill anyone you run into. When you pick items up with either your hands or the spell, they can be set aflame by holding them over one of the game's many fires. Should you choose to learn the Telekinesis spell, you can toss barrels, boxes, and bodies into enemies. Knocking an enemy into water will also auto-kill as will kicking them into a fire and booting them from a ledge. Spiked grates populate every single level of the game and will instantly kill an enemy that gets kicked into them. These include a kick, the ability to topple some environmental structures onto foes, and knocking enemies into fires. To slaughter enemies more effectively, you'll want to use the game's "physics" fighting abilities. Since there aren't any vendors in the game, it's only worth holding on to the items you're actually going to use. Eventually you start getting magical items like fire bows and poison daggers which deal out additional damage. Upgrading melee gives you new attacks like a charge or jump, though the first person perspective makes these difficult to connect with them at times. Shields, armor, swords, staves, daggers, and bows can be picked up as you move through the mostly linear 12-15 hour campaign. By completing objectives you receive skill points that can be spend on upgrading melee attacks, learning new magical spells, or upgrading your stealth abilities. In terms of action, Dark Messiah offers plenty along with a role-playing statistic boosting system in the game.